Enhancing CAD Efficiency with PDM Notifications and Templates

Innovative approach eliminates the need for manual requests, fostering a more efficient and autonomous working environment.

The Importance of a Curated Standard Parts Library

In any CAD setting, having a well-maintained standard parts library is crucial. Traditional methods, where users wait for new parts to be modeled or resort to downloading from vendor websites, often lead to issues like slow model performance, poor metadata, file duplication, and mislabeling. These challenges primarily stem from the misconception that users are unable to accurately and promptly communicate their needs for new files.

Solution: PDM Template for Library Part Requests

iNTEGRAL DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS addresses these challenges by implementing a PDM template specifically for library part requests. This innovative solution has been adopted by many of our clients to efficiently create and maintain a consistent, usable library of standard parts.

Implementation Steps

  1. Initialize a Folder: Set up a designated folder, named "Initialized" or another relevant title, within the read-only directories. This folder will serve as the location for newly requested library parts.

  2. Develop a PDM Template: Design a PDM template that utilizes a part file. This file should be created and checked into the Initialized folder. The template serves as the mechanism for generating new library part requests, ensuring a streamlined and standardized process. Add a field to the template card that accepts the URL for the page of the website for the requested part and make it a mandatory field. Also make sure to invoke the template with elevated privileges so that file will be created successfully because users will be checking in a file in a read-only folder.

URL required field that is relayed to admin for creation of part

URL in data card of created part showing passed website location


Elevated privileges being set in template

3. Enable notifications for files entering the workflow: In the workflow state where the new files will end up, set up a notification for the admin that is based on the folder name. Below is an example.

Notification for Initialized folder

Leveraging PDM for Efficient Library Part Management

The integration of specific functions within PDM (Product Data Management) systems revolutionizes how users request and manage library parts in a CAD environment. This streamlined process ensures a more effective and error-free workflow, offering multiple benefits:

  1. On-Demand Library Part Requests: Users can request new library parts as needed, fostering a more responsive and dynamic work environment.

  2. Prevention of Duplicates: The system is designed to prevent the creation of duplicate files, ensuring a cleaner and more organized library.

  3. Accurate File Naming: With the PDM template assigning file names, consistency and correctness in file naming are guaranteed.

  4. Optimized Model Performance: Models are crafted to regenerate quickly, enhancing overall productivity and reducing wait times.

  5. Accurate Metadata for BoM Reporting: The system ensures correct metadata, which is crucial for accurate Bill of Materials (BoM) reporting.

  6. Appropriate Mate References: Mate references are applied as needed, contributing to the efficiency and accuracy of the design process.

  7. Overall Benefits of a Curated Library: These functionalities culminate in a well-curated library, which brings a host of benefits like improved efficiency, reduced errors, and a more streamlined workflow.


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