Leveraging Multi-Role Excel Design Tables in SolidWorks

Discover the lesser-known power of Excel-based design tables in SolidWorks to gain an edge in handling configurations of common designs.

Excel-driven design tables in SolidWorks offer a unique feature that is little known: the active sheet at the time of closing the design table determines the data SolidWorks imports. The beauty of this is that SolidWorks is indifferent to the number of sheets within the workbook. This allows a single Excel file to host multiple design tables, each tailored for different products. Such an approach not only streamlines management but also harmonizes design data handling. The following image showcases this versatile multi-role functionality.

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Integrating Product-Specific Sheets in Excel for SolidWorks Design Tables

By adopting a multi-sheet workbook approach in Excel for SolidWorks design tables, we unlock a new level of efficiency and accuracy. This method capitalizes on the robust capabilities of Excel, particularly its advanced formulas and field linking features.

Such a setup enables the design table to effortlessly support a wide array of products. The key advantage here is the automatic updating of data. Thanks to the interconnected nature of the workbook sheets and the dynamic linking of fields, the data within the design tables remains consistently accurate and current. This ensures that any changes or updates in one part of the workbook are instantly reflected across all relevant areas, thereby maintaining a high level of data integrity and reliability for various product designs. To take this approach to a higher level of data control check out this blog article.


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